Jedi Master Oteg served on board one of these vessels and directed a group of Republic adventurers from the ship during a raid on the Imperial compound of Taral They later saw combat in the following Cold War. Several of these ships were involved in fighting during the Great Galactic War, as part of a task force that |attacked These usually served as flagships of the Republic Fleet in charge of planetary defense against Imperial attacks and hitting Imperial assets across the galaxy. The ship class served as the heaviest and most powerful warship in the Republic fleet, allowing it match the Harrower Dreadnaught in terms of size and firepower but since its only armored where its needed allowing it to be faster and more agile than the Harrower. The Capital Ship followed the Republic color scheme with red stripes on white In addition, at least one hangar was located on the dorsal hull, facing the "valley" in the middle of theĬraft. Lining the sides of each ship were several

The ship design had a bulbous center section, with gun batteries covering the front, sides and stern, seven thrusters located on a ventral tower and a command tower on the dorsal side. The Valor-class cruiser served in the Republic Navy during the Great Galactic War and the subsequent Cold War.

Undetermined number of Concussion Missile Launchers Undetermined number of Proton Torpedo Launchers Undetermined number of Quad-laser Turrets Undetermined number of Turbolaser Cannons Star Wars-Capital Ships-Valor-class Cruiser at Galactic Voyage Valor-class Cruiser at Galactic Voyage