Listen to the conversation for a moral point. As you get to the top of these stairs you will hear guards talking. You can't do anything about this, so turn left and make your way up the metal stairs.

You will hear an officer and guard torturing someone. Make your way over this and turn the light off on the pillar. Turn around as soon as the conversation ends and move forward until you see a bridge on your left. Head down and hide next to some sandbags and listen to the two guards having a conversation, at the end of which you'll receive a moral point. Look to the left to see a stairway leading down. Now turn around and return back to the beginning of the level. If you are quick you can open the box on the table below the red box to get night vision goggles. Wait for the heavily armoured guard to walk away, then crouch and sneak towards where the guards originally were. Hide to the left in an alcove for the light armoured guard to approach and knock him out. You will see two guards, one is heavily armed. Now turn around and make your way to the end of the tunnel, switching off any light on the way. Hide behind it and listen to the entire speech for a moral point. When the level starts, turn the light off to your left and sneak up to the railcar in front of you.